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1. Artic wolves hunt the abundant Artic hares--which can weigh up to 12 pounds each and travel in large herds.

2. The beauty and genius of a work of art may be reconceived, though its first material expression be destroyed; a vanished harmony may yet again inspire the composer; but when the last individual of a race of living things breathes no more; another heaven and another earth must pass before such a one can be again. William Beebe
3.  A wolf's coat has two layers; a soft, light-colored, dense undercoat for warmth and a top coat of long quard hairs that shed moisture.
4. Wolves often use a fixed stare or glare as a means of dominating another wolf. This is particularly true of the alpha wolves in a pack.
5. The Common wolf was plentiful enough at one time to inhabit Europe and the entire forest of Russia. This medium-sized wolf with dark, coarse fur now has far fewer numbers.
6. Scent marks are a type of message left by wolves for members of their own packs and  for unwanted visitors who have wandered into claimed territory.
7. The first job of hunting wolves is to locate prey. These fierce and adept hunters will travel 20 miles or more each day in search of food.
8. The nose of wild canids--including the wolf--is moist, which helps increase the particles of scent absorbed. Their heightened sense of smell is great news for wolves but not so great for their prey.
9. Early Anglo-Saxon heroes and kings--such as Beowolf--often added the suffix 'wolf' to their names to denote their courage, tenacity, strength, and fighting ability.
10. The wolf is fiercely loyal, intelligent, playful, and cooperative. Many of the qualities man admires in the wolf are qualities we value in our own friends and family.